Article by Kimberly Manning
Photo Credit: Dasha & Mari
Magazine: Issue #20
To live a life or business that integrates fully with who you are, it helps to hold a clear vision. But what happens if you’ve lost sight of your vision? Here’s how to defog the lenses and get back into action.
Steve Jobs said, “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”
It’s wonderful to be motivated in our lives and business from that place of higher calling, but what happens when you get stuck and you’ve lost your way or your vision?
If you’ve sat down with a stack of magazines and a glue stick, ready to create your vision board and found yourself frozen, don’t despair. Here are three steps to regaining your focus and clearing the way for your vision to shine.
Face Your Fears. If you’re not willing to face your fears, you will never reach your potential. Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to acting on your vision. It manifests in all kinds of interesting ways, from a fear of expressing your uniqueness, to a fear of being judged, to a fear of success, among others. Fear is an insidious and equal opportunity emotion. Everyone has them.
In order to see farther, realize that fear is an extension of your ego and one of the biggest impediments to having a successful life and biz. Afraid of public speaking, join ToastMasters. Confidence wobbly? Hire a life coach to help you find your groove. Identify your fears and look them in the eye.
Don’t let fear keep you from your vision. In the words of Susan Jeffers, “feel the fear and do it anyway.”
Get uncomfortable. Comfort equals complacency. Vision implies forward movement, which you can’t do if you’re treading water (or munching on potato chips all afternoon as you watch a full season of your favorite HBO series).
When you stretch outside your comfort zone, you force yourself to grow. Keep reaching, keep learning, keep challenging yourself. Remember, success is about growth, not achievement. “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Your vision needs you to always be on the edge of your zone.
Quit the Blame Game. Take responsibility for your life and business. Stop using excuses to keep from living the life you want or having the business of your dreams. When you identify something that needs adjusting, just do it.
What are you doing with this lifetime? Take responsibility for everything in your life and watch your mojo rise to support your vision.
Want a super successful biz? A healthy bod? The relationship of your dreams? Whatever it is that is part of your vision, get cracking at it. Identify the blocks, make a “do” list and get moving.