Sophie Mihalko Angel Quintana January 21, 2015 Sophie MihalkoSophie Robert Mihalko does not want anything from you. Except that she wants everything for you. Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness® and Right Voice For You®, Sophie is a Miracle Worker and a Comedian. It is important that you know that so that you understand that after laughing with her for a few minutes your whole life may be completely different. Sophie is French and loves to make up her own words. But most likely you will get what she says even better that way. How does it get any better than that? ARTICLES BY SOPHIE The 3 Essential Components of Inspiration 3 Empowerment Tools for Better Business Practices 3 Ways to Help Your Children Deal with Divorce 5 Tools to Help Your Business Grow, Expand & Evolve Consciousness: Building a Brand with Permission to Fail!