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5D Workshop: Money Magic Part 3

5D Workshops with Angel Quintana offer insights to some of your biggest questions around 5th dimensional living.

If you want to be a true Magician when it comes to money, the easiest way is to know your frequency. We are all energy and all energy has vibration. This vibration either attracts of repels money from you, but did you know your energy also has a sound?

In this 3-Part 5D Workshop, you will understand the mechanics of your own vibration and learn simple, yet life-changing tools to raising your frequency. When you do this effectively, new opportunities arise and your influence increases.

What Money Magick can do for you:

  • Raise your vibration to attract bigger and more aligned opportunities

  • Attract people and situations that reflect your highest good

  • Put you in contact with people who want to work with you and/or purchase your products

  • Resolve any limiting beliefs around money

  • Feel more gratitude

  • Activate a stronger desire to give back

  • Increase your ability to receive Divine Downloads

  • Solve problems and make quicker decisions

  • Trust yourself and your intuition more

  • Create solutions for your kismet clients®

  • Position you as a go-to solution for a problem you know how to solve

  • Elevate your confidence

  • Open your eyes to new investing opportunities

  • Help you get out of debt

  • Reduce frivolous spending

  • And so much more!

These are just a few ways that Money Magick is going to change your life!

I will be speaking from my research and own personal experience as to what I know about money, finances, and getting out of debt. I will also be sharing my expertise around Magick and how the Collective Unconscious is your greatest resource and ally!

Please note that Money Magick is within us all; we only need to activate it in order to receive is abundance.

This is a spiritual workshop and for those who are open-minded. To enroll in this class you must be a Club Member.

*This class is available to all Club Membership Levels. Click here to learn more
* Please log-in to the Member’s Portal to get the Zoom link to access this class