Heather Jadus Marian Weaver March 25, 2014 Heather JadusHeather has been working in the energy business for almost 20 years but in April of 2013 she was smacked in the face with some information that has now become her passion. She learned that regulations on cosmetic ingredients were over 75 years old! Who knew that what you put on your skin could be harming you and you and your family’s health? So Heather took a vow to shout this information from the rooftops and tell everyone who would listen. She knew this mission was important as she is Mom to two toddlers, Gianna 3.5 and Vinnie - 2. She was already worried about what they were being exposed to in their food but never thought about the toxins on their body wash, toothpaste or sunscreen. Heather is determined to be seen and heard on these issues so watch out for her, she's about to educate YOU!Be Informed. Be Safe. Be Healthy.www.HeatherJadus.com ARTICLES BY HEATHER 5 Tips for Choosing Safe Beauty Products 5 Ways to Fund Your Start-Up Business My Nail Polish is Toxic? No Way! Fragrance: It's a Dirty Word SPF: What Is It and Does It REALLY Protect Me? 5 Ways Activated Charcoal Can Help Your Self Care Regimen 11 Do's And Don'ts For Your Daily Beauty Routine 8 Easy Tips to Get More Referrals & Make your Business a Referral Magnet! Go Suck a Lemon! For Real... I'm Not Even Kidding. Hey Clean Eater! Are YOU Conscious About What You're Feeding Your Skin? Mompreneurs! 7 Business Building Skills You MUST Teach Your Kids 5 Tinted Moisturizers with SPF: Which Should You Slather Up With? Is Your Daily Beauty Regimen Hazardous to Your Health? 31 Rose Water Benefits for the Busy Entrepreneur Overwhelmed? 3 Keys to Maintaining Your Focus 10 Things You Should NEVER See On A Beauty Product Ingredient List Antiperspirant & Deodorant: Is Yours Safe and Effective Essential Oil: My Facial Obsession & How to Be Sure Yours Is Pure Can Toxic Thoughts be Just As Harmful As Other Toxins?