Priscilla A. Wainwright, Ph.D., CPC
Priscilla is a world-class expert in Women’s Empowerment. She is a psychologist, hypnotist, and empowerment/career coach for women on the rise. She created the Inner Tigress / 4 BridgesTM system of female empowerment.
As a woman, you’re Glorious and Powerful beyond measure (Tigress Truth #1). BUT… we’ve been poisoned, shamed, and limited by growing up in a male-dominated culture. At, you get help to reclaim your Inner Feminine Spirit (True Self: “Inner Tigress”), regain full feminine strength, eliminate shame, fear, and self-limitation, gain greater respect and visibility, and make dreams come true. There are plenty of FREE helps to aid you, Including Tigress Talk, Pris’s empowerment blog. You can join Tigress Tribe, your supportive, interactive online community. Also Power Meditations, Tigress Power Coaching, and more! Help yourself. Log on NOW!
Pris’s latest book, Reclaim Your Inner Tigress, comes out this Winter. Contact
Rise Up and ROAR !!