THE RISE OF SOPHIA with Angel Quintana is a movement and podcast supporting those who feel called to create the New Earth.
THE RISE OF SOPHIA with Angel Quintana is a movement and podcast supporting those who feel called to create the New Earth. Sophia Cosmology is a spiritual theory and philosophy founded by Angel Quintana on the principle that when you get into flow with the natural laws of the Universe, you become magnetic to those you’re meant to serve. It is here we will explore the multitude of ways to brighten your Sophia light.
THE RISE OF SOPHIA podcast is available on:iTunesSpotify
In this week's podcast, I spoke with my dear sister and client graduate of the Sophia Rising Leadership Training on how her business and life has changed since completing the program. How she went from almost losing her marriage to discovering her true self and using her courageous voice to lead the Wild Hearted Revolution.
In this week's podcast, I spoke with my dear sister and client graduate of the Sophia Rising Leadership Training on how her business and life has changed since completing the program. How she went from being an overwhelmed lightworker trying to build a business to a 5D leader who is now leading The Empress Ascension movement.
In PART 6 we will be discussing what it truly means to be the change you wish to see in the world, which has everything to do with 5D leadership.
In PART 5 we will be discussing the 5th dimension and its many blessings! From clarity, peace, divine timing, and unity consciousness, you'll learn the power of the present moment and being of service.
In PART 4 we will be discussing moving into the 4th dimension, what that means, how to navigate through "slippage", and the importance of healing.
In PART 3 we will be discussing transcendence through an astrological perspective. You'll learn the difference between self-realization and transcendence, as well as how to determine the movement you're here to lead.
In PART 2 we will be discussing how this realm became overshadowed by 3rd dimensional consciousness! Please keep in mind, all my courses are taught through the lens of Sophia Cosmology -- which I will explain in this episode.
In PART 1 we will be discussing a rather controversial topic, the 3D Paradigm, which may trigger a few folks! Please keep in mind, all my courses are taught through the lens of Sophia Cosmology -- which I will explain in this episode.
In this class, you’ll learn the principles of Sophia Cosmology, how it creates a 5D web to create the New Earth, unlocks your assignment on this planet, and plugs up the energy drains in your auric field!
In this class, you’ll learn what Sophia Energy is and why it's the essential piece to living a truly divinely guided and intuitive life!
In this class, you’ll learn how to locate the House in which your Ruler lives. You'll then understand how to access your Intuitive Gifts with an example I give around spiritual hierarchy.
In this class, you’ll learn how to find your birthchart ruler. Once you know your "ruler" you will better understand how you receive divine downloads and intuitive messages.
Holistic Fashionista is a temple and magazine for the spiritually conscious.