Article by Darlene Dunn
Photo Credit: Angel Quintana
Magazine: Issue #22
As entrepreneurs we can all point to the one or two main people who we watch to see their business grow, listen to what they say, and gain inspiration. But how many of us actually stop to think that we are ‘those one or two main people’ to someone else?
It doesn’t matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, there will always be someone who looks at you and thinks, ‘wow, I would love to be able to do that’ or ‘she’s so successful’. This is why we should all consider having a mentor- someone who stretches us and inspires us to be ‘more’. And also to be a mentor to someone- to be the one who stretches someone else, who inspires someone else!
I am not just speaking about peer to peer but take a minute to think about the young people who follow you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. Many of them have aspirations and dreams and they gain inspiration from you. You have a unique opportunity to directly and indirectly influence the lives of young people - let them see:
- Someone reaching for their dreams,
- Someone standing with integrity
- Someone who’s words match their actions
- Someone who is a role model
Let them see YOU!
Youth today are so connected via social media that we have many opportunities to encourage and influence them to make a difference, to step out in faith and believe in themselves.