Article by Patricia Missakian
Philosophy of People
Magazine: Issue #21
Abundance is one of my favorite subjects, here are 3 steps to Create Abundance through the Akashic Records, that you can take today to start making changes and change your financial status for the better!
Over the last few years I got certified in 2 money coaching certifications and I also created the Prosperity Transformations™ System. I teach this system to my students who are going through my Akashic Records certification program.
What I learned is that no matter where you come from, what you studied, or even what you know or what you don't know, none of that has anything to do with how much money you can or can not make. It all comes down to the beliefs you have, the actions you take and clearing away anything from your past that could hinder your progress.
So let's look at the 3 steps together and if you want more information be sure to register for my free webinar training.
STEP 1 - Discover what beliefs are keeping you from manifesting abundance
Everything from what you observe from your parents relationship with money, the financial environment you grew up, and the financial opportunities you had/ or not before, create the beliefs and money that you have now.
Write a list of the negative beliefs you have or heard growing up about money, with the Understanding that those negative beliefs represent the past, and that in order for you to move forward into attracting more abundance into your life, you need to let go of them and create new empowering beliefs that are going to help you move into an abundant future.
STEP 2 - What is holding yourself back?
In order to manifest more abundance into our lives, we have to take empowered action towards our goals. So understand that anytime we are expanding our energy into a new area that in turn will generate abundance, it's natural that your ego will scream, and try to hold yourself back, the ego is a self protecting mechanism and uses excuses to try to keep everything in your life safe and at the current status quo. But in order to move forward and manifest more abundance in your life, you will have to take constant courageous acts towards your dreams.
So identify the excuses the ego is trying to give you so you can stop them before they stop you.