Balance is Bull for Success, Yet Mandatory for Your Sanity


Dear Diary,

After 7 full days in Palm Springs, I am seeing a lovely new door opening and perspective that was long overdue. While I missed my oversized computer desktop screen, I was able to find other views to keep my wheels spinning in a new direction while actively still creatively inspired. The difference was my wheels were in desert where life is more simple, less chaotic than the big city of Los Angeles, and where I have a hot tub. The hot tub was a clear indicator how overworked I was.

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The difference was my wheels were in desert where life is more simple, less chaotic than the big city of Los Angeles, and where I have a hot tub.

So that got me thinking. One of the things a lot of people don't talk about when it comes to running a business (at least if you plan to have a successful one), is they fail to tell you that it's going to cost not only a monetary investment, but also a time investment... and a lot of it. Balance is bull when it comes to being successful and I'm not kidding-- I have felt the pain of being a workaholic. My butt totally hurts! I sit way to much!

I was open to letting new doors open and even getting my exercise routine back in order. In fact, it took seven days away from home to my favorite retreat destination of jacuzzi time, shoe shopping, and eating like a queen (health food, of course) to see how bad I had let it get. What I learned is how ridiculously overworked I had become and it was costing me my sanity. Before my vacation, most days I'd wake up and work in my pajamas from 7am-11am before I'd even take a shower. And I wouldn't exercise much at all and sometimes I'd catch myself running to the shower when I heard my husband pull in from a 10 hour day of work. I hadn't had a social life for as long as I can remember and it was getting a little lonely. I was out of control!

I discovered the fine line of what it takes to be successful, but I don't think it really is about balance at all. It's actually about your sanity. You might have to work your tail off to get your business off the ground, but if you don't make time to keep your sanity by getting your butt off the chair, your business is really nothing more than a facade. I had my herbs, probiotics, green juices, and hot lemon water stocked to keep me healthy, but I couldn't clear my mind. In fact, I was exhausted. 

You might have to work your tail off to get your business off the ground, but if you don’t make time to keep your sanity by getting your butt off the chair, your business is really nothing more than a facade.

I decided after day 6 that it was time for some much needed leg lifts, weights, and crunches to get the ball rolling. I wanted my sanity back. I wanted that desire and hunger I once had for my business to have a rebirth so I could be the type of leader my tribe needs: SOMEONE SANE.

I'm happy to say that shopping therapy WORKS and so does 20 minutes a day of exercising. It absolutely rejuvenated me. When I returned home from Palm Springs I was energized to EDIT. I wanted to pair down and take the weight off my shoulder, plus my wardrobe (and shoe collection) were out of control, so I spent the evening color coordinating my closet, tossing over 10 pairs of shoes and a bag full of clothes, which I happily donated to my 2 beautiful assistants (to make room for the 5 new pairs I scored 2 days before Black Friday) and took a moment to visualize getting dressed in these amazing clothes I'd spent hours of my time searching for! I felt like ME again. I felt my sanity coming back to life. I felt creative!

This morning I was so excited to get up and GET DRESSED-- what a surprise! I did my make-up, put on my cream crochet vintage Angel sleeve wrap knit top and my high waisted skinny jeans and drank my hot water with lemon with a big ole goofy smile. While balance might be bull for success, vacations are mandatory for balance. Yin and Yang are happy again. And so am I.


About Angel

Angel Quintana is the Founder/CEO of Holistic Fashionista magazine, the #1 online haven for over-achievers in business. Her extensive knowledge in brand building, search engine marketing, and authentic selling strategies naturally attracts rebels, tastemakers, and visionaries who are ready to ditch the copycat syndrome, play by their own rules, and curate a sustainable and profitable brand using the internet. Her innovative coaching program, Signature System helps business trendsetters develop and market a step-by-step plan that solves an urgent problem in the marketplace using what they already have in their personal toolbox, now being offered at her design+marketing house, The Willow House of Design. To learn more take her Business Trendsetter Archetype Quiz or visit her website for details.
