So that got me thinking. One of the things a lot of people don't talk about when it comes to running a business (at least if you plan to have a successful one), is they fail to tell you that it's going to cost not only a monetary investment, but also a time investment... and a lot of it. Balance is bull when it comes to being successful and I'm not kidding-- I have felt the pain of being a workaholic. My butt totally hurts! I sit way to much!
I was open to letting new doors open and even getting my exercise routine back in order. In fact, it took seven days away from home to my favorite retreat destination of jacuzzi time, shoe shopping, and eating like a queen (health food, of course) to see how bad I had let it get. What I learned is how ridiculously overworked I had become and it was costing me my sanity. Before my vacation, most days I'd wake up and work in my pajamas from 7am-11am before I'd even take a shower. And I wouldn't exercise much at all and sometimes I'd catch myself running to the shower when I heard my husband pull in from a 10 hour day of work. I hadn't had a social life for as long as I can remember and it was getting a little lonely. I was out of control!
I discovered the fine line of what it takes to be successful, but I don't think it really is about balance at all. It's actually about your sanity. You might have to work your tail off to get your business off the ground, but if you don't make time to keep your sanity by getting your butt off the chair, your business is really nothing more than a facade. I had my herbs, probiotics, green juices, and hot lemon water stocked to keep me healthy, but I couldn't clear my mind. In fact, I was exhausted.